Github: New Edit Delete History Source Add new Edit
  1. Creating New Pages
    1. Preparation
    2. Actually adding pages

Creating New Pages


Before you can add new pages to the Wiki, you must be added to the HPS GitHub. Create an account on GitHub and request an admin (Team Captain, Documentation Lead, etc) to add you to the Team GitHub.

Actually adding pages

After that setup, creating new wiki pages is as easy as hitting “Add new” at the top-right of the page. Wiki pages use the kramdown markdown system for formatting.

Here is a summary of the markdown syntax you will need to know!

There are two options for adding pages - using GitHub’s file editor, and using Use whichever system is more comfortable to you.

Note: if you are using Prose, you will need to authorize it on Github before writing your first article. To do this, click to add a new article in Prose, then in the bottom right corner there will be a green button saying authorize on Github. Make sure to authorize for the hps repository, and it will prompt you to put in your Github password. You will only need to do this once.

Happy Editing!