The 2020-20201 sub’s steering mechanism will be similar to Santiana’s, with minor yet significant changes. Starting from the rear back: due to the increased size of the drivetrain the linkage bar mechanism which Santiana utilized will be impossible. Due to this, the new steering will use a more intricate cable system including a splitter for both the top/bottom steering fin pair and the left/rigths steering fin pair. The pilot interface will be similar to Santiana’s, with two throttle-like controls. This sub’s, however, will include adjustable levers for increased flexibility in the maneuvering of the sub. These levers will be three-hole attachment points on both the pilot interface and the fin interface with the cables, creating mechanical advantages of 1, >1, and <1.
Due to COVID-related setbacks, a less risky approach to steering is being taken. Previously, there were plans to incorporate electronic steering mechanisms. This would allow for an easier pilot control and greater finesse in fin positioning.
When the sub is in the water, it is flooded, meaning any issues with the pilot can be potentially dangerous. The dead man buoy works on a switch which must be constantly held, and if it is released this will notify the divers that something is wrong.
The hatches on the submarine provide access to both the cabin and the various mechanical parts of the sub. These include the maintenance hatch for drivetrain access near the rear, the pilot access hatch, and the lower draining hatch. Additionally, there are release mechanisms for these hatches, namely an internal release mechanism on the top hatch for the diver to be able to open and close their exit.