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  1. Ressources for doing CAM with Fusion 360
  2. Example of CAM process for mounting plate
    1. Open file in Fusion
    2. Begin setup process
    3. Next we’re going to “Face” the part (cutting the top face)
    4. Now we’re going to cut the holes on the face of the component
    5. Milling the edges of the component

Ressources for doing CAM with Fusion 360

Here are useful links for getting started with Fusion 360

Download Fusion 360:

Link to our Tutorial:

Link to Working with Geneva Drive pt1:

Link to Steven’s Channel:

Example of CAM process for mounting plate

Open file in Fusion

Click on Design dropdown—> click on manufacture Change units to inches

Begin setup process

Choosing the orientation

Under “work Coordinate system” - This was automatically chosen - For this part, if this wasn’t automatically chosen, we could choose “select x axis/plane & y axis and then choose an edge that’s orthogonal to the top face of the component

Choosing the Stock - The stock is the block of material that the machine will carve into to get the desired shape - Click onto the stock tab (second tab with the yellow cube) - We choose “fixed size box” so we can set the dimensions of the material we’ll be working with - I set this to 80mm (width) x90mm (depth) x10mm (height) (This is arbitrary for this project) In the last tab (Program tab) - Can name this under “program number” or you can leave it as default Click “ok” to finish

Next we’re going to “Face” the part (cutting the top face)

Selecting the tool - Go into HPS tool library and choose “1/4 (3F endmill)” - Click “select” in bottom right Click “ok” to finish

Now we’re going to cut the holes on the face of the component

-Click on the dropdown under “2D” and choose “circular” -For tool, select 1/4 3F endmill

In the Geometry tab (second tab) - For Circular face selections: select all holes Click “ok” to finish

Milling the edges of the component

Selecting the tool - Go into HPS tool library and choose “1/4 (3F endmill)” - Click “select” in bottom right

In Geomerty (second tab) - For contour selection, select bottom of component

In heights (third tab) - Select bottom height “from stock bottom” offset 0 in Click “ok” to finish